What Did I Eat This Morning?

02.27 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
What did I eat this morning? Cuma setangkup roti, sama segelas susu. That's my daily breakfast, FYI.
Pas lagi pelajaran olahraga, gue liat Benta lagi makan roti cokelat-keju yang keliatannya hmm-so-yummy. Jadi deh gue minta Benta rotinya sedikit. Ndak taunya malah dikasi semua, dia bilang udah kenyang, padahal masih banyak banget.
So I started to eat. And yeah, nothing gone wrong at first. But at the computer's class... OH MY LIPS! What happened to my lips?? Jadi merah banget, terus ada bintik-bintiknya gitu. Damn, IT'S SO HOT! Lalu gue berlari ke temen gue (temen?), namanya Nur tapi pengennya dipanggil Ra (what the f**k?), sok pinter, sok asik, blablabla.. Tapi ya terpaksa gue nyari dia, dia anak PMR yang posisinya lagi ada di sekitar gue. Aaaanddd...

me : punya c.t.m ngga Nur (i won't call her with the name she wanna be called! puh)?
her : ngga.
me : i mean, di uks ada ngga?
her : ngga ada.

OMG, she didn't even looked at my face! Najooooong..

So I spent the last hours of school with that itchy feeling :(
When the school's over, it was sunny. Soo sunny and hot! I really wanted to go home but i didn't thing i could stand for the heat and sunlight. Jadi deh gue ngobrol-ngobrol di kelas sama temen-temen gue sampe gue berasa langit mendung, cabut dah! Sialnya, mendung cuma sebentar.. Tuhan, hari ini Jakarta panas banget. Kangen langit mendung.. Huhu.
It's about 30 minutes trip from my school to my home. When I reach I home, I looked for my pills hurriedly. Ketemu deh di kotak obat (akhirnya!). I really hate to take pills actually, but I got to. Khusus c.t.m ini, gue kayak addict gitu. Waktu pertama kali gue minum, tidur jadi nyenyak banget. Sampe-sampe pernah gue dua kali minum padahal lagi ngga kenapa-kenapa. Ketawan nyokap terus dilarang deh :p

Hm.. I still feel that itchy feeling a little bit. I hope it will be better soon

* lunatic-disclosure

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